Why must you agree to release us from all liability?
By participating in any photo tour with us, or hiring us for any service, you are required to agree that you will not hold us responsible for any accident, theft or negligence by us or any third parties. The nature of travel in China, and the locations we visit on a photo tour means there are inherent risks. We take you off the beaten treks, use slippy paths, wet rafts, stand in slippy river beds, and there are so many aspects of the environment we can not control. We take basic precautions we can, such as hand selecting safe drivers, but in China the roads can be very dangerous and the unexpected can and does happen. So we prefer you to...
Think of your trip as an 'expedition' rather than a 'tour',
accepting the risk adventure brings.
Please read this Release and Waiver of Liability document in full, making sure you full understand that by hiring us we can not accept any liability for what might happen on our photo trips. We've never had an accident, but the nature of hiking, cameras and China, combined with the hot and humid weather and early and late finishes means it could happen.
We suggest you take adequate insurance for yourself and your equipment. Also take time to prepare, taking common sense steps before your trip, such as good non-slip hiking shoes, a first aid kid, sun screen, mosquito sprays, a hat, money belt, secure camera bag, and any other practical item that aids safety.
Think of your trip as an 'expedition' rather than a 'tour',
accepting the risk adventure brings.
Please read this Release and Waiver of Liability document in full, making sure you full understand that by hiring us we can not accept any liability for what might happen on our photo trips. We've never had an accident, but the nature of hiking, cameras and China, combined with the hot and humid weather and early and late finishes means it could happen.
We suggest you take adequate insurance for yourself and your equipment. Also take time to prepare, taking common sense steps before your trip, such as good non-slip hiking shoes, a first aid kid, sun screen, mosquito sprays, a hat, money belt, secure camera bag, and any other practical item that aids safety.
Release and Waiver of Liability
I acknowledge that I have voluntarily consented to participate in a photography tour, and the other outdoor activities (the "Activities") guided or arranged by Guilin Photography Tour or any respective billing or brand owning company (Gatsby Travel Ltd) or Chinese local operator they hire or represent, herein known as "The Company").
I understand that the tour and all other hazards and exposures connected with related outdoor activities, involve risk of harm. I am aware of the risks and dangers inherent with the Activities, and I knowingly and willingly assume the risk of injury, including but not limited to injury that might result from a high fall, slip on the rocks, drowning, injury from any person or object such as (but not limited to) other tour participants, guides, drivers, trees, rocks, holes, rafts, boats, animals, food, bodies of water and other obstacles, whether obvious or not obvious. I agree that any bodily injury, death, or loss of personal property and expenses as a result of my negligence in the Activities or any other activity is my responsibility. In consideration of and as a part of the right to participate in the Activities with The Company, and any related party, including hotels, cruise companies, drivers, car hire companies, bike rental providers, local tour operators and freelance guides, and any respected landowner (hereinafter referred to jointly as "Members"). I agree and state that I am fully capable of participating in the Activities, I am in excellent health with no known handicaps that might hinder my full participation in the Activities, and I am fully capable of handling the hazards of an active tour, the traffic, weather conditions, walking, terrain and all and any similar conditions associated with said Activities.
As lawful consideration for being permitted by the Members to participate in the Activities, I release from any legal liability the Members and all of their officers, managers, organisations, agents, employees, successors and assigns for any and all losses, damages to property or body, including any injury, death or loss or damage caused by or resulting from my participation in the Activities whether or not such injury or death was caused by or resulting from their negligence or any other cause. I further agree not to sue, claim against, attach the property of, or prosecute Members and all of their officers, managers, affiliated organisations, agents, employees, freelancers, individuals, successors and assigns for any injury or death caused by or resulting from my participation in the Activities provided by Members whether or not such injury or death was caused by or resulting from their negligence or any other cause. I agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Members and all of their officers, managers, affiliated organisations, agents, employees, successors and assigns for any injury or death caused by or resulting from my participation in the Activities provided by Members whether or not such injury or death was caused by or resulting from their negligence or any other cause.
This contract shall be legally binding on me, my estate, heirs, assigns, legal guardians, and personal representatives. I have carefully read the above and fully understand its contents. I am aware that I am releasing certain rights that I may have, and enter into this contract of my own free will.
I understand that the tour and all other hazards and exposures connected with related outdoor activities, involve risk of harm. I am aware of the risks and dangers inherent with the Activities, and I knowingly and willingly assume the risk of injury, including but not limited to injury that might result from a high fall, slip on the rocks, drowning, injury from any person or object such as (but not limited to) other tour participants, guides, drivers, trees, rocks, holes, rafts, boats, animals, food, bodies of water and other obstacles, whether obvious or not obvious. I agree that any bodily injury, death, or loss of personal property and expenses as a result of my negligence in the Activities or any other activity is my responsibility. In consideration of and as a part of the right to participate in the Activities with The Company, and any related party, including hotels, cruise companies, drivers, car hire companies, bike rental providers, local tour operators and freelance guides, and any respected landowner (hereinafter referred to jointly as "Members"). I agree and state that I am fully capable of participating in the Activities, I am in excellent health with no known handicaps that might hinder my full participation in the Activities, and I am fully capable of handling the hazards of an active tour, the traffic, weather conditions, walking, terrain and all and any similar conditions associated with said Activities.
As lawful consideration for being permitted by the Members to participate in the Activities, I release from any legal liability the Members and all of their officers, managers, organisations, agents, employees, successors and assigns for any and all losses, damages to property or body, including any injury, death or loss or damage caused by or resulting from my participation in the Activities whether or not such injury or death was caused by or resulting from their negligence or any other cause. I further agree not to sue, claim against, attach the property of, or prosecute Members and all of their officers, managers, affiliated organisations, agents, employees, freelancers, individuals, successors and assigns for any injury or death caused by or resulting from my participation in the Activities provided by Members whether or not such injury or death was caused by or resulting from their negligence or any other cause. I agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Members and all of their officers, managers, affiliated organisations, agents, employees, successors and assigns for any injury or death caused by or resulting from my participation in the Activities provided by Members whether or not such injury or death was caused by or resulting from their negligence or any other cause.
This contract shall be legally binding on me, my estate, heirs, assigns, legal guardians, and personal representatives. I have carefully read the above and fully understand its contents. I am aware that I am releasing certain rights that I may have, and enter into this contract of my own free will.